Thursday, March 21, 2013

We Don't Have To Poison Our Skin

Why do we pour cancer-causing chemicals on ourselves and our children?

            When growing up in a small town outside Chicago, trucks would spread Deet fog to combat mosquitoes during the summer. Residents were told not to go out for an hour after spraying. This was in the 1950s and early '60s, before West Nile. The annihilation of the mosquito was a must then. They were pests. They had to die.

            Instead, the streets, the trees, the grass, the cars, all had residue from the spraying. We ate it, we drank it and we wonder why we got cancer.

            Then came major brands of bug sprays. Got to have it in a can.  Our skin absorbed it and we wonder why we got cancer.

            There is an alternative, keep reading.  

            With a depleting ozone layer, we find the need to protect ourselves from UVA/UVB rays. While there is a need for sunshine and Vitamin D, there is a limit, whether your time is more than 15 minutes or an hour. You need sunscreen after that. Long periods in the sun cause us to look older and develop skin cancer. Why have alligator skin when you can protect it and nourish it.

            Putting American-sold sunscreen on your skin is poisonous. It contains a chemical SPF rather than a natural SPF. The FDA has cracked down on claims made by SPF sunscreen makers. There is no need for an SPF more than 50 and sunscreen won't last in water very long.

            The only company to sell a natural SPF of zinc oxide is Batab. No need to pour chemicals on our children to keep them from burning. They also have a burn lotion in case you do get burned.

            As for the insects, Batab also makes a Deet-free lotion to keep the bugs away. If it will work in the jungles in the Yucatan, the woods in Wisconsin and the hills of southern Kentucky, it will work for you. Without the poison.

            The sole importer in the U.S. for Batab is Enfuego Productions. They also have parabin-free organic skin care for women. For more info see



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