Thursday, March 21, 2013

Complementary has evolved into Integrative

          The word "complementary" means combining two or more different things in such a way as to enhance or emphasize each other's qualities. In terms of complementary medicine, the term is a better description of what now-credible modalities have to offer in the health care world.

          Massage, Reiki, reflexology, acupressure and acupuncture, and in some instances, aromatherapy, herbal remedies and essential oils, are now considered complementary to a physician's care.

          The first contributions of the aforementioned complementary therapies were found in the "alternative" world, which, thankfully, has gone through an evolution into the complementary era.  This evolution includes formidable modalities into a bigger and better domain -- integrative medicine. This is a realm where no treatment is a last alternative.

          There are integrative medicine specialists, holding medical degrees, who can provide a tailored treatment program to one's individual needs. When these complementary modalities become part of the standard of care of a hospitalized patient or those suffering from a devastating illness, better results ensue.

          This same let's-all-contribute attitude has been effective in Mexico, Germany, Australia and England, to name a few. In England, Reiki is now part of the standard of care in their national health care coverage in every district. What a concept.

          The integrative approach involving the potentially useful qualities of  Western and Eastern referrals combined into a comprehensive plan of treatment. Whatever works and "do no harm" can coincide in the same universe.

          The federal government and numerous other entities use the CAM acronym of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The term is often found in grants for research. To research grants about CAM modalities, go to and use a keyword of a modality such as Reiki.

          To experience first-hand, the Holistic Health Services department at SwedishAmerican Hospital offers numerous modalities as part of their care. There are reportedly more than 100 hospitals using this philosophy in various departments. The Caring Place cancer treatment center in Las Vegas offers complementary services and all are free.

          Having these modalities covered by insurance is the next frontier. Inroads have been made in the areas of discretionary health care spending in tax-free reimbursement. There also has been co-billing along with traditional medical and psychiatric services. Blue Cross Blue Shield has been a proponent of change. The idea is holistic approaches often cost less and are more effective with few adverse reactions. Finding alternatives to expensive drugs and surgeries and other procedures would cut costs insurance companies incur.

          During my 25-year tenure as a Reiki Master and also being certified in Shiatsu for the same length of time, I have seen what were once alternative ideas become part of the selection of choices people need to fight illness, trauma and disease.

          If complementary therapies didn't work, why would so many people be using them?
          For more information about Reiki, see or

We Don't Have To Poison Our Skin

Why do we pour cancer-causing chemicals on ourselves and our children?

            When growing up in a small town outside Chicago, trucks would spread Deet fog to combat mosquitoes during the summer. Residents were told not to go out for an hour after spraying. This was in the 1950s and early '60s, before West Nile. The annihilation of the mosquito was a must then. They were pests. They had to die.

            Instead, the streets, the trees, the grass, the cars, all had residue from the spraying. We ate it, we drank it and we wonder why we got cancer.

            Then came major brands of bug sprays. Got to have it in a can.  Our skin absorbed it and we wonder why we got cancer.

            There is an alternative, keep reading.  

            With a depleting ozone layer, we find the need to protect ourselves from UVA/UVB rays. While there is a need for sunshine and Vitamin D, there is a limit, whether your time is more than 15 minutes or an hour. You need sunscreen after that. Long periods in the sun cause us to look older and develop skin cancer. Why have alligator skin when you can protect it and nourish it.

            Putting American-sold sunscreen on your skin is poisonous. It contains a chemical SPF rather than a natural SPF. The FDA has cracked down on claims made by SPF sunscreen makers. There is no need for an SPF more than 50 and sunscreen won't last in water very long.

            The only company to sell a natural SPF of zinc oxide is Batab. No need to pour chemicals on our children to keep them from burning. They also have a burn lotion in case you do get burned.

            As for the insects, Batab also makes a Deet-free lotion to keep the bugs away. If it will work in the jungles in the Yucatan, the woods in Wisconsin and the hills of southern Kentucky, it will work for you. Without the poison.

            The sole importer in the U.S. for Batab is Enfuego Productions. They also have parabin-free organic skin care for women. For more info see



Monday, March 18, 2013

Hershberger Raw Milk Motion Hearing Update

               The hearing on whether or not the State of Wisconsin violated Vernon Hershberger's First Amendment Rights when charged with illegally selling raw milk in Wisconsin was continued and the decision delayed after the state was forced to scramble and was found unprepared in Hersberger's motion hearing.
               Hershberger and his supporters gathered in the Sauk County Courthouse Monday to try to have charges dropped before his scheduled trial in May.
               "WOW!! There were over a hundred members and supporters who drove 
through the blizzard conditions to stand with us in the Courtroom today!" Hershberger told his supporters by email after the hearing.  "That was a phenomenal turnout considering the weather conditions. Thank you very much to whoever braved the snow and the wind to be there! And also a great Thank you to all the people who were supporting us in many different ways, like donations, prayers, etc. We appreciate it very much!"
               The true question was whether Hershberger could actually get a fair trial in a state controlled by powerful dairy lobby.
               "The Lawyers and I thought it went very well today," Hershberger said. "The Judge was great! I especially liked when he called for a 10-minute break and asked us for Scripture references for what we are bringing up. It was probably the very first Bible study ever to be held in a Sauk County courtroom! I was very glad to have some assistance from Att. Amy Solberg, my dad, and a few other members and friends that happened to be there.
               "The Judge did not make a ruling today on any issue but wants some clarification on the conclusive argument of whether the initial holding order was subject to appeal according to the Statutes. Each side will be able to file a Brief explaining their view of the Statutes. We scheduled a teleconference hearing for the Judge to give an oral ruling on the issue on April 22."
               Nancy Liberty Jaques, a Hersberger supporter, wrote after the hearing, "It seems Vernon's counsel needed to instruct the State that they had some major flaws in their argument," she said. "The judge asked for more briefs. An amazing performance by Vernon's team. They argued over which order was in question regarding Vernon's defense. The State points to the first order (Jackie Owen's 14-day injunction of June 2nd). But Vernon's counsel argues that that the second order (June 12 I believe) is the one under question. The first order does not allow appeals while the second one does. It was an obvious OOPS moment for the State who scrambled to attempt to read the law to the judge but couldn't make a clear case in light of Vernon's attorney who pointed to a specific statute. That SHOULD have settled it. But the judge and the state are intertwined, that much is obvious. And so the circus continues."
               This will not sway Hershberger supporters who await the outcome on the charges Hershberger continued to sell raw milk after the state raided his property in 2010. See the below post for more details on the charges.
               The final pre-trial hearing is set for 1:30 p.m. on May 7. The trial is set for May 20-24.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hershberger: Raw Milk Is His Right

            I first met Vernon Hershberger in 2010 when this mess of milk began.  I was moved to find a farmer who raised organic food for his family and for his co-op of local growers and consumers. Vernon has a small shop on his land in the heart of Wisconsin and I do mean small, but full of the best the human body can obtain to sustain life. Vernon pays his taxes, commits no crimes, has a firm belief in God and just wants his family to grow up as peace-loving citizens who do good deeds for others.

            Vernon and his family are Mennonites in Loganville, Wisconsin, just west of the quaint town of Baraboo. For those who haven't had the privilege of ever visiting Baraboo, the town hasn't changed much since it was a hippie colony in the 1960s and '70s. The area is known for hiking, fishing, camping and everything else the great outdoors has to offer. Mennonites in the area are good farmers. The main difference between Mennonites and the Amish is electricity and engines.

            Vernon raises his milk cows and cattle in an organic way but uses modern tools to accomplish his tasks. His boys and girls work in the fields, barefoot. Vernon raises organic cows from organic birth lines. He doesn't even inoculate his cows for disease. Because he has so few, he says they never get sick.

            Vernon's dairy cows produce healthy raw milk. Some people join his co-op just for the milk that gets delivered across the state. Many clamor for its health benefits and its part in keeping disease and illness at bay. Vernon even puts milk that may be spoiled back into his land to create more grass for his cows to eat. Yes, good farmers feed their cows grass, as was intended, not given corn to get fat. Vernon uses no growth hormones or antibiotics and his land is pristine.

            And yet at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, Vernon is a wanted, evil man who is circumventing state law by operating a dairy without proper licensing. You see the Dairy State only believes in pasteurized milk, milk altered by temperature to ensure no e-coli is present. About half the states in the U.S. ban raw milk sales.

            Wisconsin took issue with that and raided Vernon's farm in the summer of 2010. They taped his refrigerators shut and acted as if his organic grocery was a crime scene. The incident, in which Vernon was held at gunpoint in his living room in front of his young family, was captured on video and has been used in two different YouTube presentations for all the world to see.

            This is how Vernon's camp describes the incident.

            "On June 2, 2010, representatives of the DATCP conducted a raid at the Vernon Hershberger farm. DATCP agents intentionally destroyed nearly 300 gallons of fresh milk by pouring blue dye into the bulk tank, claiming the milk was 'adulterated and misbranded' — even though there was no logical, factual, or scientific basis for this conclusion. The milk was unpasteurized, as is all milk on all farms that is stored

in bulk tanks. The agents then placed a holding order on all the fresh, wholesome food in coolers on the property, most of which belonged to members of the Hershberger’s private buying club, and some of which belonged to the Hershberger family. Mr. Hershberger then faced a serious dilemma: allow the wholesome, perishable food to go to waste while he engaged in lengthy administrative wrangling with DATCP or allow the rightful owners of the property to take it from the coolers.

            "Mr. Hershberger followed his conscience and allowed the owners to retrieve their food. Vernon Hershberger’s religious principles prevented him from standing by, while nutritious food rotted."

            After the raid, Vernon went back to selling raw milk and everything else good for you. The state took a lot of heat from the public.  Vernons's wife miscarried that fall, about the same time the state submitted a report for possible prosecution. No agency, state or county, immediately followed up with four state charges for operating a dairy withou proper licensing.

            The state came after him with the full force of the law. He was booked, jailed and told not to sell. Despite a mandate from state court that inspections of his farm be allowed by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), Hershberger turned away three state officlas at his farm on Feb. 9. The refusal of access is in direct violation of the court order issued the week prior at a county hearing stating the Hershberger must abide by the following, "No impeding, obstruction or interference with any Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) inspection."

            The bold move was captured on video and aired on YouTube.

            That only made his group of supporters stronger. Now they plan to use a First Amendment defense to say his religious freedoms were violated by his abiding by God's law to not waste good food, or in this case, milk.

            The state said Hershberger can not sell any food products without a proper license. He claims he is not a business but rather a group-owned co-op. He says he is just the caretaker of the animals and the land. The state also said he may not manufacture or process any dairy products, nor sell any without a proper license. The state said he also may not have anyone else operate his farm or work in any room or building on his property. To that order, he has remained defiant. His workers are the owners of the cows, he says.

            He fights on with a defense team sponsored by donors and thousands of people across the country pledging their support. There is much more at stake here than just Raw Milk Rights. The drama continues Monday, March 18, with a First Amendment Rights hearing in Baraboo at the courthouse. The previous hearings were supported by a large gatherings of supporters from around the country.

            Hershberger will argue that his religious beliefs prevented him from challenging the DATCP. This is what Hershberger says is his right on this Earth. "Scripture contains the following admonition in Matthew 5:38-41: '… And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.' The Bible teaches that we should not be aggressors in court actions by suing people or filing counter claims (“cross bills”, below), even though it is possible by course of law to force off the coat from a man's back. We are not to marvel at the matter, but, in such a case, rather than go to the law by way of revenge, rather than exhibit a cross bill, or stand out to the utmost, in defense of that which is our undoubted right; rather we are to let him even take our cloak also. If the matter be small, which we may lose without a considerable damage to our families, it is good to submit to it for the sake of peace. It will not cost us so much to buy another cloak, as it will cost us by course of law to recover that; and therefore unless we canst get it again by fair means, it is better to let him take it.

            “Thus, Scripture requires me to avoid initiating conflict. I cannot be the aggressor in a lawsuit. I could not request the hearing provided by the administrative rules and referenced on the State’s holding order even though the findings of fact in the order were incorrect, because it would have been tantamount to suing the State and would have violated this Scriptural prohibition on initiating conflict."

            With few exceptions, Wisconsin prohibits the sale of raw milk to the public because it may contain bacteria that cause food-borne illnesses. But raw-milk advocates have repeatedly pressed for state legislation that would legalize the sales.

            There was a bill to legalize sales in Wisconsin in 2010, but then-Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed it when it came to his desk, succumbing to a powerful dairy lobby that usually wins in Dairy Land.

            The FDA alleges that dairy products are among the top contributors to food-borne illnesses and that raw milk is the most dangerous. Dairy products ranked second to leafy vegetables, resulting in 1.3 million illnesses and 10 percent of food-borne-illness deaths from 1998 through 2008. Dairy products reportedly accounted for the most hospitalizations, 16 percent, followed by leafy vegetables, 14 percent, poultry, fruits and nuts. But a CDC study published a year ago claimed the rate for disease outbreaks caused by raw dairy products was 150 times higher than for pasteurized milk. That study said that milk consumption was responsible for 121 disease outbreaks, causing 4,413 illnesses, 239 hospitalizations and three deaths from 1993 to 2006 - and that raw milk products were the cause of 60 percent of the outbreaks.

            Laarge dairy farmers say one of the biggest arguments against legalizing raw milk sales has been the damage that could be inflicted on the state's $26 billion dairy industry should there be an illness outbreak.

            The Food and Drug Administration has the power since 2011 to decide if food or drink is harmful, with credible evidence or not.

            Farmers with children who drink raw milk report fewer illnesses. Others swear by its benefits even to risk contamination.

            Organic milk, although processed, contains valuable CLAs that corn-fed cows lack and provide better absorption of Vitamin D.. But drinking raw milk now is regarded as an alternative lifestyle, something dangers, yet precedes pasteurized milk by thousands of years.

            What constitutes a family farm also is under dispute in Wisconsin. Vernon Hershberger, who owns and operates Grazin' Acres in Loganville, can't form a co-op of people with like minds and tastes.  If you pay a yearly "lease" fee to be part of the co-op, your money goes toward ownership of a cow. Therefore, you are part-owner of the farm and entitled to raw milk. You can also work on the farm to keep costs down. Who, exactly, are they hurting?

            What should be a simple task, selling raw milk to his neighbors, has made Vernon famous, fame he did not seek.

            Who loses? Small farms and people who like and benefit from raw milk.  What we all are losing is our right to consume what we want.

            If, indeed, we truly seek less government intervention in our lives, then people should be able to consume a product they feel is safe. Raw milk is not cocaine. It is not a drug that needs to be regulated. People who purchase raw milk do depend on the local farmer to give it to them without e-coli in it and have to live with their choice if they get sick. People know the supposed dangers and choose to buy raw milk for themselves and their children.

            Our right to choose is being desecrated by more government and powerful lobbies. The rural areas of Wisconsin are dominated by old right-wing republicans who claim they want less goverment interference, and yet, they attack a Mennonite and his family.

            Are there no better ways to spend taxpayer money than to go after a Small Farmer and his merry band of raw milk drinkers? What's next, a wanted poster of Vernon milking a cow?

            See for more info.



Sunday, March 3, 2013

Are We Still Big On Obesogens?

          Why don't we hear more about industrial pollutants contributing to America's obesity epidemic? The federal government  -- more than two years ago -- recognized the word "obesegen" labeled first at UC-Irvine, and, yet, not much has been said about the term that describes a toxic cell stored in the fat cells of our body. The problems created by stored toxins can only get worse.

            While that doesn't change that we are a calorie-rich culture that consumes too much sugar, red meat and too many dairy products, environmental toxicity is to blame for a portion of the problem. The pollution our parents and our generation has bestowed upon the landscape is slowing ruining our health. We can't escape it, totally, but we can try to flush as much of it as possible from our system.

            How? Clean water from the proper filtration system installed in your home is the best way. Drinking refined public water from a BPA-laden plastic bottle won't help and their is no such thing as bottled spring water. We need to filter out volatile organic chemicals, heavy metals viruses, parasites and pharmaceuticals from our water, along with e-coli from well water.

            BPAs are considered obesogens, so eliminate plastics for the storage and cooking of foods and liquids. Use glass and stainless steel containers (remember when milk came in glass bottles?)

            Filling up on toxins is one reason why people who diet can't seem to lose weight. Clean water is step one.

            Step two is exercise. We sweat out toxins in a good workout.

            Step three: eat organics to reduce the toxins entering our system.

            Step four: use a simple juice cleanse to help crucial organ function. Drink 100 percent grape juice for the colon, one quart over two days. Drink 8 ounces of cranberry juice in days three and four for the kidneys. Then start using lemon juice daily for the liver -- forever. Also, eat some sauerkraut or drink Kombucha to force the bad stuff through our intestines.

            The term obesogen was coined by Felix GrĂ¼n and Bruce Blumberg of the UC-I.

A biologist, Blumberg, is sold on the idea and studied the link between industrial pollutants and obesity. Blumberg said he believes chemicals used in plastics, food packaging, pesticides and cosmetics can trigger dramatic increases in body fat. He coined the word for these compounds that corrupt the normal function of metabolic hormones.

            "It makes a lot of sense that chemicals able to reprogram metabolism and favor the development of fat cells could be important contributing factors to obesity,” says Blumberg. “The role of obesogens in fat accumulation raises questions about the effectiveness of just diet and exercise in helping people lose pounds and maintain a proper weight.”

            Industrial chemicals, new chemical compounds, prescription drugs, fluoride, chlorine added to water, BPAs.

            “The causes of obesity are very complex, but if you travel to other places in the world, you’ll notice that this epidemic is predominantly American,” Blumberg says. “Elsewhere, the consumption of prepackaged foods is much lower, food is grown and eaten locally, and people are far less exposed to food additives and chemicals. These are all contributing factors.”

            Remember, there are many food additives that are legal in this country while illegal in the UK and other European countries as well as Australia. Chemical compounds created by man only contribute to environmental poisoning.
            Face the truth that environmental poisoning is wreaking havoc on our bodies, young and old. Take the necessary steps to eliminate the toxins and eliminate the weight.

Light on.